Forum Discussion

gerryMayer-e37a's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Pre-test in Rise

Has anybody ever done a pre-test in Rise? Basically, you start with a quiz. If they pass, they don't need to go through the content and they will get course completion. If they don't pass, then they go through the content and retry the quiz. 
I'm close to a solution, but the quiz view results page is the problem...
If I could hide the take again button on the quiz results page then they could continue with the course after either passing or failing ... 

I could hide the side navbar, set up some btns to either finish the course if you pass, or continue if u fail, then a link at the end of the content back to the quiz again..
It would be nice to have some more control over the quiz results page. Be able to add buttons so they could move forward but not backwards, hide the retake the quiz button... would open up other possibilities too I'm sure...
I have been successful with branching using buttons and hiding all the nav but don't see how to get this to work in rise....
any ideas? :)
thx in advance...

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Gerry,

    Not sure if this helps, but we renamed the label to "TAKE AGAIN (IF FAILED)".

  • Interesting, renaming the button hmm... UM now that I think of it, if you pass a quiz why is there a button that allows u to take it again? That seems rather redundant? Non?
    Also when you rename any label, its global and applies to all of your courses. The work around for that is change, publish, revert...

    I guess one could declare before the quiz that if you do not pass, you must complete all content, retake and pass the quiz to receive completion... which would be a big fat lie... because the course completion would be set to passing the quiz... I guess the question is how smart and devious your target audience is? hmm? 

    Thanks Karl for your input :) 
    I guess we will see if this meets compliancy standards.
    Hey Articulate... give us some more options here please... Cookie cutter doesn't work for everything :)

  • yes.. so they will proceed to the next page that has two buttons  and i branch those who passed to the completion and exit page and those who failed to the content... best i can come up with the tools that i have