Forum Discussion

stephrezendes's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Prevent fast forward: video

Is there a solution to prevent a user from fast forwarding through a video? I have a course with about 8 short 2-3 minute videos that I need the user to view the entire video, without being able to skip through it..

  • I came across this discussion because I have the same problem, I need the learners to view the videos entirely before progressing but at the same time it would be perfect if they still could drag the player to re-watch parts they've already seen. Also because some videos are necessarily long (10-15 minutes) and it's really stressing having to wait 10 full minutes to see something you missed or didn't understand in the first minutes, giving the fact that people are learning!!

    I really hope we could soon have some updates on this matter.

  • This solution has helped me out as I have been looking for the same thing. 

    I disable video controls then in the Player settings I have the seek bar setting to

    On the actual slide, I have the next button hidden until the video is completed, that way the learner can't skip forward. 

    The seekbar doesn't allow the user to forward seek when the video has finished sadly. I mainly use it so they can see how long the video is. 

    If you want user to skip to sections of the video once it's been watched the first time, and file size isn't a matter you could have two videos one on the main slide and one on a slide layer, with the one with video controls on the slide. Once the main video has finished playing (without video controls) it could trigger the slide layer to display, which features the video with video controls and the next button. 

    I make sure I add video captions to the video with Adobe Premiere (or another video editing program) and import a .VTT file to the video in storyline.