Forum Discussion
Print button - javascript
window.print() javascript is nice......however for my purposes I came up with the below and it seems to work nicely (in all browsers)
Modify a Quiz Results slide.
The process to do this is basically:
1. Have a project with result slide……drag the results off of slide so user doesnt see them, however depending on your purpose you could keep them on the slide
2. Change the result slide properties to include print results btn
3. Rename/label print result btn to print handouts or whatever approp.
4. Save and publish……..not do not zip yet
5. Go to the published files…….find the story_content folder………..locate report.html in that folder………use html editor (or notepad) delete all the html in file and design it to be the document you want the user to print. Or better yet create basically an html webpage that may have links to multiple handouts, etc. Just make sure the documents that you are linking to are located within the story_content folder so to ensure that they get loaded into the lms.
6. zip the files
7. upload to lms
The process is pretty easy……..biggest thing is you must save project, publish, modify the report.html file, then zip it for the upload……… basically same process except you have a delay between publish and zip……….to permit access to modify the report.html file. I haven't found a way to prevent the user from having to enter their name when they click the print button yet, however my hope is that maybe i can use this to track who access the material and likely printed it.