Forum Discussion

francoismarais's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

problem with text and scrolling


I have a weird little thing on my EAO. when I position texts on a slide, everything is fine but when I launch the publication, some texts have a scrollbar on the side as if the font size had changed and that happens since there have been developments on the texts in ST360 and obviously, other colleagues have the same concern

I put in PJ, an image of the problem. Above, what is in the editor when I place a text and in black, what it looks like in publication mode. we see that there is an additional scrollbar. these are two associated screen copies

to be honest, it's very painful

does anyone have an answer?

thank you in advance

  • Hi Francois, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The scroll bars that you are seeing are because of the Accessible Text feature of Storyline 360. You can read more about this feature here: 

    This section specifically explains the presence of the scroll bars, and how to address them: 

    Since some browsers add more spacing than others, you might see an unexpected scroll bar in some text boxes, such as slide titles. This happens when the text plus its spacing are bigger than the bounding box. If you want to avoid scroll bars in default accessible text, you can increase the height of the text box to account for differences in spacing across browsers.

    Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any further questions or clarifications!


  • make the textbox wider (20 pixel or more) or set Margin left/right: 0px

    center the text horizontal

    choose "Allow text to overflow" or "Expand height"



    Thank you for the answer. I had noticed that it came from this feature. Before, we did not have this problem and I find it quite painful in the end
