Forum Discussion
Problems with Quiz Review Texting Overlapping
I'm having some trouble with the review option of the quizzes in Storyline 2. I've looked through the forums, tried quizmaker, tried condensing the amount of text I had per Q&A, etc. and found no solution. Basically what's going on is that once the quiz is done and the user can review their (in)correct answers, the actual review answers are showing up overlapping one another. I know there was an update to fix this in the original version of Storyline but is there a fix or editing optionfor Storyline 2?
- RebeccaFleischCCommunity Member
Hi Lael,
Welcome to the community.
hmmm. I wonder if others are seeing this. I've not extensively used quizzes yet in SL 2. Thought I'd reply here to perhaps bubble this to the top.
Hi Lael and welcome to Heroes!
I haven't seen this yet - but am curious if you have a sample file you could share here using the paperclip icon, or could let us know which question types you're seeing this on? All of them, or just the matching drop down ones like in your image?
- JessicaAubleyCommunity Member
Hi all,
I am experiencing the same issue. I have attached zip so you can review.
- ChristiePollickCommunity Member
Hi, Jessica, and welcome to the community! We're glad you're here! :)
Thanks for attaching your file, and I will give it a look to see if I have the same experience. I will be in touch shortly with my findings.
- ChristiePollickCommunity Member
Hi, Jessica - My apologies for any confusion. It looks like you have attached your published output folder, and what I will actually need to see is your .story file.
Please use the ADD ATTACHMENT button in the bottom left corner of the reply box in the thread, and you can browse for the file from there. Please also note that if you reply via email, your attachment will not appear here in the thread. Thanks! :)
- JessicaAubleyCommunity Member
Sorry about that. I ended up changing it to a matching game that way I could avoid the issue so the file has been edited since then.
- ChristiePollickCommunity Member
Ok, thanks, Jessica! Sounds like you are all set now. Please feel free to let us know if you need anything further!
- CatherineOrf495Community Member
Hi All! I'm having this same issue. When reviewing the Matching Drop-down question, the container size gets compressed. There was a note on this in Storyline 1 which was addressed by an update fix: Has this crept back into 2? In the attached file, I tried making the test question container smaller (not as wide) but this didn't help. Any ideas?
- CatherineOrf495Community Member
I think I'll work-around it by editing the Post-Quiz Review feedback and Review layer, as per this blog:
However, if anyone has a solution to the Storyline issue, that would be great.
Hi Catherine,
Yes, unfortunately it seems this reappeared in SToryline 2 and our QA team is aware and investigating the issue. I'll include this thread as a part of our report so that we can share any updates here once there is additional information, but as I cannot offer a time frame, please continue to use that work around.