Forum Discussion

DeveloperIgniti's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Question.Correct always False if feedback is removed

When the user clicks submit, I want to increment a custom score variable based on the response given. I am achieving this with the `If Question.Correct = True` condition. This works fine when the question is configured to give immediate feedback, but if I remove the feedback, my custom logic is ignored.
Any suggestions for how to fix this?
Many thanks in advance.

  • Hi Developer Ignition

    are you able to share a copy of your .story file so we can take a look and see what's happening?

  • Hi Wendy,

    I have attached a demo. There are two questions.

    Both are identical except the 2nd question has no response feedback.

    When the submit button is clicked, one of two variables (`q1Correct` and `q2Correct`) is set on the condition that Question.Correct = True.

    The 3rd page in the course displays the value of the two variables. You should observe the variable `q2Correct` remains False despite answering the question correctly.

    In summary, removing the response feedback from question 2 means the logic to check Question.Correct never happens.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Without feedback I would presume that the submit trigger also includes a jump to next slide trigger with will prevent that trigger firing as it is after a jump trigger.

    You cannot add before because you have not submitted.

    I think the simple workaround is to add a feedback layer for correct and incorrect with nothing on the layer but a jump to next slide when timeline start trigger.