Forum Discussion
8 months agoCommunity Member
Quiz Attempts
When a learner fails a quiz twice, I want the layer "Failure" to appear.
I added a variable called "Attempts." When the attempts reach greater than or equal to 2, the failure layer should appear. ...
8 months agoSuper Hero
The trigger to show the Retry layer will run every time the user reaches the Results slide with a failing score.
The trigger to show the Failure layer will run when the user has reached the Results slide after 2 attempts -- even if they passed the second time. In other words, there no condition in that trigger that checks the score.
- It seems like it should show this layer after 2 attempts, since the trigger comes after the one that shows the Retry layer. It'd be virtually impossible to know why that's not happening without seeing the .story file. Here are the best practices for uploading one:
- Only include slides that are related to the problem.
- Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
- If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
Personally, I suggest you take advantage of the built-in functionality.
- Only use the Success and Failure layers.
- Do this on the Failure layer:
- Add the trigger that tracks the attempts.
- Add a trigger that changes the Retry Quiz button to Normal when the timeline of the layer starts with the condition that attempts <2, else change it to Hidden.
- Add a trigger that shows a "You failed" message when the timeline starts with the condition that attempts = 2. (This gives the learner feedback about why they can't retry the quiz.)
- Add the Incomplete/failed trigger, with the condition that attempts = 2.