Forum Discussion

KateEllis-78638's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Quiz locking error

I have a single question assessment at the end of my course. The learner must achieve 100% (1/1) to complete the course. For some unknown reason, even when the answer option selected is the correct one, the 'lock' is still displayed and will not allow the learner to progress to the course summary and complete the course. The settings in the assessment are set as 100% completion, require a passing score to continue, unlimited attempts, and the 'continue button' is ticked. But progress is locked still....can someone assist with this issue please.

  • Disabling the navigation MAY glitch and keep some settings from "having the nav".

    Example: Navigation was disabled in the course resulting in an error unable to progress past the FINAL ASSESSMENT despite 100% on 1 question.



    Re-enabled nav. Disabled 'restrict student progression'. Save.

    Re-disable nav. Save.

    Error resolved.