Forum Discussion
4 years agoCommunity Member
Quiz results for multiple question banks
Hi, there.
I am trying to have 3 question banks where we can see how a learner does in each. For example, vegetable questions, fruit questions, and legume questions with results broken dow...
4 years agoCommunity Member
Thanks, Judy. :-)
I will try this out tomorrow. I am posting over to Quizmaker just in case there is something different there, but this seems like a good workaround!
- JoanneChen4 years agoSuper Hero
You can have different questions groups in one Quizmaker bank, however you will only got one score from it. But what you want should be achieved by SL. Below are steps to take:
- Set three question bank for each group.
- Create three quiz with its own result slide from each question bank.
- Use trigger to make the result slide invisible. "Jump to next slide when timeline starts the result slide." So you will have three result scores for each quiz and users won't see it.
- Create three "How Many" style survey questions for each group and fake it as result slides.
- Set value of variable NumericEntry to variable Results.ScorePersent when timeline starts the slide.
- Use a hotspot or transparent rectangle on top of the NumericEntry box so that users cannot change the value.
- Create a survey result slide for these three survey question. You can show all three groups result in this slide by inserting the related reference.
- Set the step 5 slide to be your tracking quiz.
Let me know if you need more help.