Forum Discussion
Quiz Results Slide Won't Load
The results slide won't load after the last quiz question in the attached file. I've tried everything I can think of. Can anyone help?
- NedimCommunity Member
It appears that you have created total of 3 result slides, deleted 2 and used 1. You may have then somehow mismatched the Storyline built-in variables used to report a score on this result slide. You can rename it in the quiz settings to "Quiz" to match the name of your first generated result slide. It will work. Just be aware that in this case the Storyline may generate another error after adding next result slide the you may need for your next quiz. You can ignore this error but, just to be safe, if that happens I suggest undoing renaming part and generating a new result slide.
Hi Mona!
Sorry to hear you've hit a snag with your results slide not loading!
I see that you've been getting some great help from Nedim, and also opened a support case. Smart move! It looks like you connected with my teammate Fannie May and shared that your issue has been resolved. Glad to hear it!
If you run into any setbacks moving forward, feel free to reach out through your support case and we'd be happy to assist!
- MonaMeyer-827c1Community Member
- JadenGiacconeCommunity Member
Hello, I believe I found the most direct solution to this issue. If you have the passing/user points displayed on a result slide or layer prior to changing the name of the quiz under quiz settings, the name of the Your Score Value or Passing Score in the timeline does not change to reflect your renaming the quiz. Which prevents the slide from loading.
Therefore, the best way to fix it is to:
1. Go to the design tab of your results slide.
2. Highlight the User Score/Passing Score or Percent value on the slide/layer.
3. Click on the appropriate value you want to replace it with (i.e., Passing Percent/User Percent, etc.).
4. Do this for each value on your results slide/layers that existed before you changed the name of the quiz.
If this does not work. Make sure that the correct variables/conditions are selected under the trigger manager of your results base layer.
If both are correct then it should work.
This is a really silly and frustrating error so hopefully they fix it so that the values are renamed to the new quiz name.