Forum Discussion

KellyKreps-0451's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

HELP - Results Slide Freeze with Multiple Quizzes

I have built a course with 4 different quizzes. When it gets to the final results slide, it freezes (three dots show up and the results slide never shows). I have result slides for each of the 4 quizzes, and the final results slide has many triggers to show how they did on each of the 4 quizzes (triggers to change shape to green, yellow, red depending on scores of the 4 quizzes). I was hoping there is an easy fix on a trigger that I'm missing for this. 

  • Did you copy, duplicate, or import the Results slide that freezes? Because Results slides use built-in variables, it's best to insert a new Results slide when you need one, and then edit and/or redesign it as desired. 

    If the Results slide that freezes was created as a new slide, well, troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to solve the issue. Here are the best practices for uploading a .story file:

    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.