Forum Discussion

AnnikaStille's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Track using quiz result -multiple quizzes in a rise course?

Good moring everybody,

I have created a course in Rise that consists of 5 individual quizzes, among other things.
The course should be considered completed when all 5 quizzes have been answered correctly with at least 80%. When exporting, however, I only have the option of tracking one of these 5 quizzes under "Track using Quiz results".
Is there any way for Rise to track the results of all 5 quizzes in order to consider the course completed?

Any workaround solution?

The option of only being able to call up the next chapter once a quiz has been successfully passed is unfortunately not an option for other reasons.


  • Hello Benji,

    Thank you for your feedback. As you may already know, we don’t currently offer this feature. However, I absolutely understand how useful it can be based on your use case. I've submitted a feature request to our product team on your behalf.

    We welcome your ideas, and you can always submit your feature requests to our developers here:

    Our customers drive our product roadmap, and your suggestions really do make a difference!

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Annika,

    As you have discovered, you can use only a single quiz to track course completion. 

  • BenjiLukas's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes, sadly, it seems true. The ability to track multiple quizzes would be a very useful addition to Rise, especially when trying to track ROI with pre and post-lesson quizzes. Hopefully, an update to this will come at some point. 

  • I have just submitted a similar idea to feature-request. Would be great to see this being added to Rise and considerably cut down development time.