Forum Discussion
Quiz settings
Set the Feedback field on the question slides to None:
That will remove the Correct and Incorrect layers. When the user submits their answer, they'll jump to the next question/slide.
The Results slide will still show the score.
However, I think it's important to consider the purpose(s) of the quiz. The appropriate feedback can help someone learn the correct answers (instead of just guessing them).
- SteveMonroe10 months agoCommunity Member
You are awesome! And I totally agree with you. I attempted to communicate that removing the response was a mistake. That learning still happens when the learner knows an answer is wrong they can research the answer to get it right - they now know something they didn't know before. Apparently, the client's working knowledge trumps my PHD in education. What's that saying? The Customer is always right. Let's just say in this case they are quite a bit short on being right. Thanks again!