Forum Discussion

Lina-MyreeThomp's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Quizes Reporting Zero

I have a training that has different scenes for a learner to chose from. Each scene has two quizes that are supposed to be reported. On the results page after each quiz I have the 'submit results' trigger off, and I have a final results page where it is supposed to be submitting both quizes the learner had to take. I don't want the learner does not see their score at all

When I test the program out, the functions look like they run smoothly but I am not getting a score when I pull a report on Cornerstone Pilot or Scorm Cloud. Can someone please help me, I can't think of anything that can cause this. I attached the storyline file and can send the Scorm Cloud link if needed. Thanks.

  • Hello Lina-Myree,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand you are having issues getting your course to report a score in an LMS. Good call on testing in SCORM Cloud, this helps verify that the issue isn't LMS-specific. Since the behavior is happening in SCORM Cloud, I've opened a support case on your behalf so we can have our support team review how your quizzes are set up. You're in good hands, and someone from our team will be in touch shortly to help troubleshoot!