Forum Discussion

KarenHarvey-e78's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Quizmaker 360 - Object colour change when selected

Kia Ora/Hello,

I am developing a quiz which I import into Storyline and then into Rise. It is assessing if the learning outcomes have been met for a module on performance.

One or the quiz slides is a select many option. Three of the six options are right and three are wrong. I work for a health and disability organisation so accessibility is key. Currently when an object is selected it has a barely perceptible glow around it. I would like the object to change colour so the learner is clear when something is selected. How do I do this?  



  • Hi Karen, 

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    You can change the built-in 'Selected' of your object so that when your learner clicks on one of your objects, it will change to the appearance that you've set in the Selected state. 

    Here's a screenshot of where you can edit the selected state of a given object: 

    Let me know if you have any questions!