Forum Discussion

Jet2Learn's avatar
Community Member
5 days ago

Quizmaker Optional feature to go to Group 2.

Hi, I have created 2 exam groups. Exam A and Exam B. I want the learners to only access Exam B should they not reach the pass mark of 80% in group Exam A. Is there a way to do that please?  If learner have successfully passed Exam A, the exam is complete. Thanks! 

  • Jet2Learn's avatar
    Community Member

    I have used storyline to create a quiz using triggers, however i have noticed, that once i upload the storyline quiz on Rise and they get the quiz questions wrong, the learner would just need to refresh the page and it will reset their scores. Is there a way in which if they get the questions wrong, the refresh page does not allow them to restart the quiz? Or directly on rise? example they would need to restart the course again should they not get the passing score. Thanks  

  • Not in quizmaker, you could important storyline and do there