Forum Discussion
Quizzing: multiple dropdown boxes per slide?
Oh, I like those kind of treats a lot
Jokes aside, I had a certain presentiment that I'd have to do it this way. Thank you very much for the answers and suggestions nonetheless. It's just that I took the easiest slide on purpose to demo my problem. I have slides with much more complexity and this would lead to quite a time overhead for just creating those slides. I did already do a math quiz slide where users have to sum up a row of values. In the end, for this in principle simple type of slide, the trigger editing required to reach this is massive, you may see yourself:
And there's still plenty of way to scroll left in the trigger editor. You may pardon me for asking, but is there no simpler or easier way to reach the originally requested result? I just don't know Storyline enough to think of ways and tricks to get where I would like to.