Forum Discussion

AndreaBrigan762's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Radio Button Height - Multiple Choice


the answers of our multiple choice are based on variables. I can't disclose more details but this is needed because for the same question the answer can change.

I recently spot an issue in case the variables get a long text (more than 1 line). The text becomes smaller in case of more lines because there is not enough space. I tried to use all the features to modify that but with no success.

I have the feeling that the text box of the radio button reacts like that because the variable name is shorter than the real value of the variable.

I open a case (Case #03607440) to request to adjust that asap. The final result should allow the quiz to properly behave (auto-size keeping the font size).


  • Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I see you’ve connected with my teammate, Anna. That was a great call! We've logged a feature request for the ability to define the size of radio buttons (for quiz questions) on Slide Masters and will update this discussion if it makes it on our feature roadmap. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to hearing from others in the community on this!