Forum Discussion
Editing multiple layers set up with buttons
I am new to Storyline 360 and have the task of editing some previousy created templates.
I am having trouble accessing a layer that is set up for access by buttons on the presentation. I can access the main slide text and the first level of buttons text from the "Slide Layers" list on the bottom right corner of the page. However, the next level/layer, which is accessed by additional buttons, does not show up under "Slide Layers", so I can't access the text of those button layers for editing. Can anyone help?
3 Replies
Try looking at the button states. Sometimes, developers get tricky and place content within the different button states.
Hi Aaron and Judy. That's where it was located. Thanks very much to both of you.
As Aaron suggested, check the States.
If you can see something on a slide but can't select and edit it, it's also possible the content is on the Master.