Forum Discussion

DavidNowlin-f8a's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Radio frequency presets dials

In a radio frequency lesson, I have been asked to have each position start with a specific number. There are two dials: a larger dial to move between the digits and a smaller dial for changing the digit from 0 to 9. When I advance the larger dial to the next number, the location that the smaller dial is on sets the number for the new position. If the first digit is changed to six with the small dial, when the large dial turns to the second digit, it becomes a six since the smaller dial is on a six.

How do I set up a two-dial scenario that resets the smaller dial to what is currently displayed in the text box?


  • MichaelHinze's avatar
    Community Member

    Dials and textboxes have a variable attached. You can set up triggers that set the dial's variable (and with that its position) to whatever you need, including the value of numeric entry's variable.

    • DavidNowlin-f8a's avatar
      Community Member

      I have been reviewing your example, and it makes perfect sense. When I built it in my project, it did not work. I guess that I have an issue with displaying the numbers over an incorrect variable or trigger. Are there any standard checks that I can use or directions to look first. The biggest issue that I have is scrubbing 125 slides to send the project in. Approx. 125 slides with 90 having 10+ layers each with a minimum of two dials. Yes, I am well over 2K in dials with the revisions. Thank you.

  • I am apologizing for the late response. I had back surgery that is taking longer to heal than I like. But that aside, I did expand the dials to six places. They all work. I know how to set defaults. I still am foggy about the exact triggering inputs and their results. I can not express my gratitude for the help that I have received from this community. I am looking forward to exploring these new files about dials and learning much more than I currently do. I am now at the point of starting to realize how much more there is to know!