Forum Discussion

VickyKennie's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Storyline Radio Buttons

Hi! Wondering if anyone can help. I've set up a questionnaire to gauge confidence in something from 1 - 5 on each question. 

Set a trigger on the submit button to count up which radio button is clicked and then give appropriate layer at end depending on score. 

Question is, how do I stop the count from registering multiple radio buttons if a delegate clicks between different radio buttons before hitting submit?

For example if i click 4 , but then change my mind and decide actually 3 then my count trigger is adding 7. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

  • If the trigger doesn't run until the user clicks Submit, it shouldn't matter whether the user clicked multiple buttons. It should only matter which buttons are selected when the trigger runs. 

    Troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to solve the issue. Here are the best practices for uploading a .story file:

    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
  • I understand you have a multiple-choice type of question with five radio buttons, all grouped within a button set. Why calculate anything when you can directly set a score upon clicking any radio button? For instance, if you click Radio button 1, set the score to "1"; if you click Radio button 2, set the score to "2," and so forth. Then, upon clicking the Submit button, display different layers based on the value of the score variable. Calculations (adding and subtracting from the score variable value) would be more relevant if you had a multiple-response type of question where you can select and deselect multiple checkboxes simultaneously. 

  • What Nedim says is dependent on you selecting all the buttons for a question and setting them as a button set. That way, only one can be selected at a time.

    • VickyKennie's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, this video is very helpful!

      It looks as if I did then individual radio buttons but haven't set them together. 
      I have one statement per page from 1 - 5 not confident - confident.

      Trying to get the count from the individual statements for an overall score at the end. 

      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Vicky!

        Glad to see the community has been helping you!

        As Judy shared, offering input on your design would be easier if we could see the .story file you've built out so far. Do you mind sharing a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case?

        Looking forward to hearing from you!