Forum Discussion
Rearranging Scenes
I am just learning to use Storyline, and I can't seem to find any way to rearrange (move around) individual scenes in Story View. Is it possible to move (rearrange) them? If not, how can I change the assigned numerical order of the scenes to change their order?
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
The flow of your program is controlled by the triggers, not by StoryView.
Although Storyview drives our OCD friends to the brink of despair, remember: WHAT YOU SEE IN STORYVIEW IS IN NO WAY RELATED TO PROGRAM FLOW DETERMINATION. It is merely a visual representation of how the triggers are set up.There is VERY little about program flow that you can change from StoryView. If you want to change program flow, find and change the triggers that control it.
However, if you just can't live with the way things are in StoryView, this generally works. Cut a scene, then paste it where it belongs, and its number will be changed. This works best after a save and complete close of SL.
Just a warning: doing this will NOT change anything about the order in which the user sees the slides and scenes.
- PaulSchafer-030Community Member
Thank you for the prompt and helpful reply, Walt. That's what I needed to know!
- BarbaralasaterCommunity Member
I just opened a new file and copy and pasted the slides in the scenes in the right order. I had to do some reconnecting of links, but at least this worked, since I wanted to use the left menu for the review, and wanted the scenes in order.
- LerissaPatri540Community Member
Hi - I've got my scenes correctly linked, but they are displayed in one long, long string. I'd like to have them show side by side. How can I do that?
- LerissaPatri540Community Member
Never mind! Just figured it out. :-)
- CarolaThurfjellCommunity Member
Hi, How did you figure that out?
- RandySimmons1Community Member
Please tell us how you figured it out. What is the secret?
- BeccaLevanCommunity Member
Hello Carola & Randy!
I'm hopeful that Lerissa is still subscribed to this thread, but feel free to use the Contact Me link on their profile to reach out if needed!
- LerissaPatri540Community Member
It seems like a hundred years ago ... lemme go back and take a look and see if I remember how I did it. :-)
- CJSmith-0530a86Community Member
Barbara's comment above was useful... I rearranged the slides using copy/paste so the scenes will be in the order and print correctly. Its also good to have them in order for SME review in 360 because they get numbered in order by scene. I don't program all the triggers until I am close to a final product because content tends to shift as it all comes together. Especially since I have 3 SMEs with differing opinions.
- LerissaPatri540Community Member
- LoriCobbs-c9a3aCommunity Member
sadly, the copy / paste isn't working for me.
- MarianneDoornCommunity Member