Forum Discussion
Relative File/URL Links
Hi Leslie, I've read your work around and it's really not a work around designed for the environment that Joseph, I and other designers in large corporations encounter. The problem is, that with out an relative linking compatibility within the compiler, another designer assisting or updating materials would still have identify and locate all absolute links to locate files another designer has created and relink the asset to the project via the triggering mechanism due to the variations in UserIDs. In large and complex projects this can be quite a task, almost impossible without addition time lost or instruction. The only real solution I see, is a compiler that accepts relative linking in all triggering mechanisms wherever possible. Without this feature our creativity is somewhat limited. This is a real obstacle and limits the use of other robust tools we have within the Storyline 2 environment. I would like to see these programming modification considered sooner rather than later. Please keep me posted on your progress toward this necessary functionality. Regards, your friendly SL2 promoter and coach, Kevin. I've requested that feature to your development team. Let's hope that forth coming soon. Thank you Leslie!