Forum Discussion

MichaelWest's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Reorder Scenes in Story View?

In the grander scheme of things, I realize that this is not a big deal. However, it's got me a little triggered. (Plus, it could potentially create a lot of confusion if a teammate of mine has to work on this file in the future.

I've tried to cut and paste as described in Dave Anderson's video found on YouTube, here and in this discussion thread. But when I try and cut and paste each scene, it reverts back to being out of order.

A couple of notes that might be impacting this

  • Instead of "Jump to next scene," learners navigate to a specific section using menu buttons in the first scene. These buttons use the "Jump to Scene [Scene Name]" trigger.
  • At the end of each scene, learners return to the main menu using another "Jump to Scene" button.
  • Each scene uses the same types of interactions, triggers, and animations. To make it easier, I duplicated Scene 2 twice - creating scenes 3 and 4 - with the intention of editing the content in each scene.

7 Replies

  • Hi Michael

    see the second video on this link - it shows the trigger order of your jump to scenes may be out of order. Hope that helps

  • MichaelWest's avatar
    Community Member

    Sort of.

    I'm using Object Triggers instead of Player or Slide Triggers, and from what I can see there doesn't appear to be a way to reorder Object Triggers. I've attached a screenshot of the triggers menu, which shows that the "Move Selected Trigger" buttons as grayed out.

  • I have the same issue and this did not help solve my problem.  All of the demos I've watched on reordering is for simple slide/scene reorders but not when there are multiple things happening on the object. For me, there are a couple things happening on the object (set a couple variables and then jump).  This occurs for 3 buttons on the slide.  There is no easy way of moving the jump trigger around.  Also, cutting and pasting from story view didn't work for me either.  Is there a fix for this or does it need to go on feature request?

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Gwen!

      I'm happy to help! I understand that you're reordering slides with multiple objects and triggers and finding it difficult to move the Jump to trigger. Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the order of the triggers? You can also share your .story file too so we can get a better understanding of the setup. 

      • GwenFuller-496f's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks Lauren. See attached:

        It's a large project. There are 9 scenes and 6 with 6 or more arms of the
        branch. Had to make it pretty small for you to see. (I hope you can see.)
        [image: image.png]

        The trigger panel is very long, but this is the gist of it: Asyu can see
        from the trigger panel, simply moving them in order would be such a mind
        blowing activity to get all of the triggers working again. If this is a
        done deal, just let me know. We'll do better next time around.

        [image: image.png]

  • Hi Gwen!

    Thanks for the additional information. I'm unable to view the images you attached, so I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf.  You should hear from our team soon via email so we can investigate this further!