Forum Discussion
Replace player glossary with an engage glossary?
Hi everyone!
I am just curious if there is a way to have it so when you click glossary in the player window it opens a glossary that was built in engage?
I like the engage glossary far more than the default storyline glossary, but don't want to have to place a button on each slide that says Glossary or Key Terms.
Is this possible? Or does anyone have another solution I may not have considered?
Thanks so much!
Hi Bryce,
Thanks for reaching out!
There is currently no way to import an Engage 360 glossary into Storyline 360. I’ll be happy to pass your thoughts on to our product team, but you can also feel free to detail them more through a feature request!
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Hmm. I'm surprised by Joe's answer. According to the Storyline 360 User Guide, you can import an Engage interaction, and it will be inserted as a web object:
You can make a given slide available from all the other slides by lightboxing it from a custom Player tab. This post has details about that:
FYI: I've never done that with an Engage interaction, so I can't say for sure that will work. But it's worth a try. Be sure to test it thoroughly. :-)
- BrycePoole-daf6Community Member
Thank you! That is exactly what I was looking to do! I expected adding an item would add it to the left bar with the notes/glossary/menu, I am kicking myself for not testing before asking :) initial tests show it working!
- SallySethinenCommunity Member
Hi, i have done this is SL, I am assuming I could add as a web object in Rise, has anyone ever done that?
Hello All,
Apologies for the confusion. There is no way to 'overwrite' the built-in Glossary of Storyline 360, but Judy is correct in saying that you can just import the Engage 360 interaction in Storyline 360, and then link to this slide by adding a 'Custom' Glossary to Storyline 360's player:
As for Rise 360, you can check out a solution by my colleague here which uses a button block to link users to a Glossary section in a Rise 360 course.