Forum Discussion

EricStockhausen's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Resetting variables

Hi everybody,

I have aproblem with letting a learner start a course all over again and resetting the variable Project.SlidesViewed to zero. I created a button on the last slide of the course that first sets Project.SlidesViewed to zero and then restarts the course. As expected, when pressing the button the course jumps to the first slide but the Project.SlidesViewed do not become zero again. I checked that with a textbox %Project.SlidesViewed% on the very first slide of the course. Any help would be great. It is my first course and everything else works so far. Thanks

  • Hello Eric, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are working on. 

    My first thought, sight unseen, is to ensure that the trigger to reset the variable happens before (above in the trigger panel) the trigger to jump back to the first slide.

    If that's not it, or you'd like me to take a look, please share your project file publicly here or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when troubleshooting is complete.

  • Leslie,

    thank you for answering that quickly!

    I am uploading the projectfile to your offered link right now. It is a pretty messy project as it is the first one I am trying to do. You will find the described button on slide "2.8Auswertung" on the second additional layer "Ergebnis1". The very first slide of the course is of course the welcome slide. There, the most upper object is the mentioned text to check the variables.

    I hope you can find the mistake I am doing.

    And: I am just noticing that you will have to change one trigger on the basis-layer of 2.8 to make the layer Ergebnis1 visible when timeline starts on basis-layer. This one is right now set to Ergebnis4.