Forum Discussion

LaurenLoStoc992's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Restore Previous Version of SL File

Hi Everyone! 

I have been working on a Storyline file for a few weeks now, and have published the file and saved it many times.  Each day, I update the file to "Name date" such as "PD Loop 3.2" which was the most recent version on March 2nd. The review link I have shows all the previous versions and published edits.  


Today when I opened the file, a VERY old version of the file opened up.  I have no idea how this could have happened, given that I have published and saved and updated the file many times over the past several days.  Can anyone help in how to restore a file? 

  • Hello Lauren,

    Sorry to hear about your project file.

    I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience:

    There's no way to recover that changes that you lost using the file that you shared, but if you were working fairly recently on your project file, there might still be an updated copy of it in your temp files. Here's how to check:

    1) Open this folder in Windows Explorer: %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline

    2) Scan the contents of this folder for a file that starts with the name of your project. If you find one, copy it to your desktop. If you find more than one, copy the latest version to your desktop.

    3) Change the file extension of the copy on your desktop from *.tmp to *.story.

    4) Double-click the file to open it in Storyline.

  • Greetings, 

    I am experiencing this same issue. I have a shared network VPN with my employer group. I had previously created and saved a presentation in Articulate Storyline - previous versions shown when I publish in review, so I know it was saved. However, upon opening it today, all of my previous work is lost. 

    I have attempted the bullets listed above, but am unable to recover my work. Do you have any additional suggestions? 

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Jennifer!

      Sorry to hear you're having trouble recovering a .story file!

      If the file can't be retrieved from your temp folder, is there a chance you included a cloud backup when publishing to Review 360?

      Storyline 360: Cloud Backup is a helpful way to avoid these types of setbacks!