Forum Discussion

AngelicaFrias-4's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Restricted Navigation too slow in published scorm file

Hello. I hope someone can help. I created a training course using Storyline and restricted navigation to ensure that users listen to the full audio before moving to the next slide. When previewing the presentation within Storyline, it works very well. However, after publishing it as a scorm file and uploading it to our LMS, I experienced an issue. Some slides enable the "next" button right after the audio is done while others lag for another 30 seconds. Also, if I open another tab and begin working on something else, the "next" button lags even longer once the audio is done. I've had to click on "previous" and allow the next slide to begin again so I can continue. I hope I didn't make this too confusing. Any thoughts/suggestions on this issue? Many thanks in advance for your help. 

  • AaronPross's avatar
    Community Member

    So... for this one, Instead of changing the state of the next button to normal when the timeline ends, try setting it to normal when the media (your audio file) completes.  You should be able to select your audio file.  Give that a shot.

    • AngelicaFrias-4's avatar
      Community Member

      I will definitely try this. Thank you, Aaron. Is there a way of making this change to all slides at once or do I have to do it on each slide?