Forum Discussion

ScottTaylor-71a's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Resume settings in Storyline 3

Hi - I think I have an issue which I'm having trouble resolving.

Scenario - the Storyline 3 course is published to an LMS, with the 'Resume' settings set as 'Prompt to resume', and the menu page settings as 'resume saved state'. I have locked the chapters, which unlock only as the learner progresses through the course. HOWEVER, if the learner gets to chapter 3, for example, and chooses to exit the course, then return at another time, then when prompted with the 'would you like to resume where you left off?' prompt, they select 'no', they are returned to the Menu screen with all chapters locked again, regardless of their progress. I need the Menu page to remember the learner's progress, and retain the chapters they've already completed, even if they select 'no' to the resume prompt. Is this possible?

  • Hi Scott!

    It sounds like we might need to add an additional setting! Would you mind sharing your file so I can provide a more specific solution?

    You can do so by using the "add attachment" button in this discussion. Or you can share the file privately with our Support Engineers by using this link.

  • Hi Scott,

    It's a form for you to fill out and share your file so that we can take a look.

    Sign-in is not required, although if you're using E-Learning Heroes, you probably are signed in :)

    Let us know if you run into any difficulty.

    • ScottTaylor-71a's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Leslie - thanks. I think perhaps the link is only active/available for a
      certain amount of time after it's set up? would you please be able to
      provide me with a link to the form to complete?

      Many thanks

  • I apologize, Scott. I should have checked the link. They do not expire, but one extra space or anything and you get brought back to our default page. I'll ping Lauren to double-check.

    In the meantime, this is the link you're looking for.

    • ScottTaylor-71a's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Leslie,

      This link still didn't work for me - is there an alternative?


  • Hi Scott,

    I have opened up a support case on your behalf for the original issue and mentioned that you were unable to access the link directly as well.

    You should be hearing from one of our support engineers shortly.

  • Any update on this question?

    I have a similar situation. I have a vendor who is creating my course and we are experiencing this same issue. It has been so long since I've worked with Storyline that I can't remember if this is possible. We have tried it both as "prompt to resume" and "always resume." When my user takes the course and has finished, I want to provide them the option to resume where they left off or to restart in the review mode in my LMS, but if they want to take the course again they can select start a new attempt. 

    The issue I have is that when they select restart in review mode it locks all the sections if we use the "prompt to resume" option. I don't want to lock all their sections once the have completed the course but I do want to provide them the option to start from the beginning. If we select "always resume" then the user is taken to the end of the course when they want to review the course again.

    I do not see a solution to this original question. My question is can it be done, and how? I want the slides to only be restricted the first time they go through it, but can review it from the beginning without the restriction.

    When the user selects new attempt it then launches the course again as though the user is taking it for the first time, and that works as intended.

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hello Rachel!

      This functionality isn't currently available in Storyline 3, but you might be able to configure something similar in your LMS. I'd recommend reaching out to your LMS admin to see if they can offer advice on achieving this. I also hope that other community members will chime in if they've accomplished something similar with a workaround.

      • RachelMcKinn051's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Lauren,

        Thank you. That was my fear. I have looked at all options for the review mode in the LMS. I think it will be that I need to provide details for them to navigate through the course using the course menu. Using SCORM is such a new concept to my audience base I was trying to find an easier way for them to review.


