Forum Discussion

LiezelWilson's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Review 360 not allowing tracking progress

A 3rd Party reviewer is not able to track their progress whilst reviewing. So if they stop reviewing to pick it up at a later date - their progress is lost and they are having to spend a long time scrolling through content to get to the last location they've viewed.

[Previous feedback suggested enabling the course menu and removing continue buttons until the review is complete. You can always go back and add those continue buttons again before publishing the final course. ] - This however defeats the purpose, as one really want the reviewer to get a sense of where blocking is added after certain sections and where free-flowing between section is allowed.

Are there any update on this as yet on review as I do not think I am the only one that feels this is important to have. Time is precious and people unfortunately do not have time to waste by going through things that they have already navigated. :(

  • Review does not resume so reviewers will need to complete in one sitting. I think there is a good argument for resume being enabled to give the best experience but may cause issues when you update the course. Would need to be a feature request.