Forum Discussion

KristenRandall-'s avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Review 360 offers different share settings depending on license.

When I go to the share settings in Review360, I have the option to check the box where I can allow users without an Articulate ID to comment.  However, one of our other licensees does not.  I have attached screen shots of my share options as well as her share options.  What might be causing this?

  • Hello Kristen,

    Thanks for reaching out! I understand your colleague cannot see the option to allow users without an Articulate ID to comment. Please allow me to ask a few questions to gather information so I can better help:

    • Are you the item owner of the Review 360 course?
    • Is the Review item located in your Teams folder?

    If the item is located in your Teams folder, your colleague who is a member of your Team should have Editor access to the Review item and has permission to allow users with Articulate ID to comment.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Hi Eric, we have the course owner sharing the course for review with our colleague.  And yes, the Review item is in our teams folder.  Our colleague who cannot access the review does not, however, have an Articulate seat.  But she is the only colleague without a seat facing this issue.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Kristen, 

      It sounds like your colleague isn't listed as an Editor in the Review 360 item. Please ask the course owner to double-check if your colleague's email address has been added in the People with Access section here: 

      If the permissions are correct, you'll want to verify with your colleague if they are signing in using the correct email address. 

      Let me know how it goes!