Forum Discussion

Tim_'s avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Review dashboard is a disorganised mess.

My review dashboard is a constant dumpster fire. New items get dumped in at the top level, in I-don't-know-what order (maybe created date?). It's certainly not 'last item published shows up first', at least in my view. I can't choose from Storyline where the file will publish to.

There's no way to order anything, and filtering by product is rarely used.

I'd love to be able to TAG items and quickly filter tags by searching or selecting them from a list. But you've gone with nested folders, which leads to mess over time, since the reason for classifying a peice of content into a folder can change over time and the easy (fast, cheap) thing to do is just create more folders later on.

The fact that I can not drag and drop items quickly into folders, like in any modern filing system or app, means that I probably won't get to sorting this mess out (I have more important things to do with my time, such as running my business). I've attempted to organise things in the past, and now I have a mess of folders with old or new interactions, copies of interactions that aren't used in any courses (probably: I don't know or have an easy way to find out).

I create many interactions in Storyline to publish and use in Rise. From Storyline, when I publish, these just get dumped into the main page of the Dashboard. I'm usually also in Rise at the same time in order to consume the content. I generally don't have Review open at all, so there's no way to organise content as it's being produced/consumed.

I can't tell if there are comments on any of the items. It's a "hunt around and see" system, which is frustrating.

Deleting a folder gives me the message Delete X and its contents and subfolders? Which creates a lot of anxiety. I want to KEEP THE STUFF, just not have the FOLDER there anymore. Does deleting stuff mean they vanish from Rise if I haven't yet published the course over there? Don't know, and it's not clear, and it's not documented anywhere. So that's anxiety, and there's no backup, and there's no undo, so that's more anxiety, and so I'm not going to try.

Review, like Rise, just needs SOMETHING that so items can get sorted out quickly: Tags or Folders (not both), and if its folders that absolutely must support drag and drop otherwise organisation becomes an afterthought, rather than an easy step. It needs a filter for TYPE, a filter for HAS BEEN USED, and a way to sort by DATE CREATED, DATE LAST MODIFIED, LAST COMMENTED ON, TITLE and AUTHOR. The tiles need an "IN USE" badge when items have been included somewhere (such as having been consumed in Rise). The tiles need a BADGE on them when they have unresolved comments (and how many).

Are there any plans to add any of these features - filtering in particular - to Review? The roadmap remains frustratingly vague.

  • Hi Tim,

    Happy to chime in!

    Allow me to address each of the points that you raised individually. 

    1. At publish time, specify a folder to publish to within review.
    • Once an item has been published, it can be moved anywhere within review and subsequent versions will not require it to be moved again.The ability to select a folder to publish to is a common request and has been evaluated for inclusion in the product but is not yet planned.
    1. Additional filters for HAS BEEN USED, and a way to sort by DATE CREATED, DATE LAST MODIFIED, LAST COMMENTED ON, TITLE, and AUTHOR.
    • Review 360 item ordering is by updated date. The addition of other filters is currently not in our product roadmap
    1. Ability to ‘tag’ review items and be able to filter by tags.
    • This is currently outside the scope of Review 360’s design and is not currently planned. This would however make a great feature request, and you're welcome to add your voice here.
    1. Ability to Drag and Drop items into folders.
    • This feature is currently being reviewed by our product team, but is also not yet included in our roadmap.
    1. The process of producing and consuming Storyline 360 files as interactions through review does not allow organization without visiting the review dashboard.
    • This feature is not yet planned.
    1. Comment count is not surfaced on the items in the dashboard. User would like to see a count of ‘pending’ comments.
    • This feature is not yet planned.
    1. Deleting a Folder is confusing.
    • Deleting private content moves the content in the folder and all subfolders to the deleted items folder. The user can undelete from this location. Deleting shared folders is addressed here: Review 360: Share Items with Team Folders
    1. Would like an indication that a review item is ‘in use’ from Rise 360.
    • This feature is not yet planned.

    I'm going to add your voice to existing feature requests so we can notify you as soon as those features are released. We appreciate the feedback that you've provided for Review 360 and I've shared them with our product team as well for review.