Review Quiz Next and Previous Layer
I've setup a quiz in Storyline where I've removed the next and previous buttons (I just much prefer the clean nature of this look). When I go to review the quiz, there doesn't seem to be any option to flow through the questions, other than clicking the submit button again. I've tried to put arrow buttons in on a layer, the layer is set to show when the user clicks the review button on the final slide. I've linked the review button to a True/False variable, and then setup a trigger that makes the layer visible when the variable is equal to False. It doesn't seem to be working though. I've attached the Storyline file, and a video screen recording showing the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (The file I've attached is with two random questions I created for this submission, my actual file has 20 questions on, so I thought I better not subject you to that if you're trying to help me! :) )