Forum Discussion

FraserWebster-1's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Review Quiz Next and Previous Layer


I've setup a quiz in Storyline where I've removed the next and previous buttons (I just much prefer the clean nature of this look). When I go to review the quiz, there doesn't seem to be any option to flow through the questions, other than clicking the submit button again. I've tried to put arrow buttons in on a layer, the layer is set to show when the user clicks the review button on the final slide. I've linked the review button to a True/False variable, and then setup a trigger that makes the layer visible when the variable is equal to False. It doesn't seem to be working though. I've attached the Storyline file, and a video screen recording showing the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (The file I've attached is with two random questions I created for this submission, my actual file has 20 questions on, so I thought I better not subject you to that if you're trying to help me! :) )


  • If you rename your layer that contains the arrows to 'Review', it should show when you click the review button on your final slide and revisit the questions.

    • FraserWebster-1's avatar
      Community Member

      Sir, you're a scholar! It's working. I can't believe that's all I had to do. Thank you very much! Could I ask, out of pure interest, why was the way I was doing it not working? 

  • It wasn't working because your trigger was set to fire when the variable changed. By the time the slide reloaded, the variable has already changed, so the trigger wasn't being fired.

    If you wanted it to work, simply changing your trigger to fire when the timeline starts on the slide would fix it. i.e. show 'layer x' when timeline starts on this slide if 'variable y = whatever'.

    • FraserWebster-1's avatar
      Community Member

      aah right okay, that makes sense. Thanks again, have a great weekend!