Forum Discussion

SamBarnard-98a4's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Rise 360 - Error when uploading images

EDIT: Problem seems to have resolved itself. No idea what was the cause or what resolved it - 01/11/2023


Hi all,

I've just been getting "Error" when I try to upload any image file to Rise 360. I've noticed it started today and there is no other information provided about the error.

I've tried the following:

  • multiple formats from different locations on my laptop.
  • uploading images that have been used in other lessons within the same Rise course.
  • Clearing browser chache/cookies/site data, restarting the browser and repeating above two steps.

the specific image I would like to upload is a JPG with a file size of 7.19MB, 6000x4000 pixels. I know the pixel size may seem large, but it's never been an issue in other lessons inside this Rise course.

Any thing I could try? does Rise have a hidden limit for number of images/image file space and I've hit such a limit?

Many thanks,


  • I have ran into a problem before with my organisation's internet. Could not upload images, even those that had uploaded fine previously to the same course. Once I tried on my home connection it was fine. Might be a firewall/anti-virus issue. Sounds like something you might need to run past your IT team.

  • I am now suddenly unable to upload images.

    I've cleared cache, restarted browser, changed the filename to a shorter one, converted to png. Nothing works.

    • SamBarnard-98a4's avatar
      Community Member

      Have you tried restarting your device and use a different network connection?

  • I've tried everything. This actually may be an issue on my side. I think IT made a number of changes and it broke a few things.

  • I am having a similar issue yesterday and today. Using the 4 block gallery one of the 4 images appears larger then the others, I've tried editing and clicking the 'box' icon, no change, I've re done the whole block image re loading all 4 images now they are compressed and unable to edit them. 

  • Hi there, Kelley! We'd love to take a look. Would you mind sending us your Rise Share link by opening a case? Be sure to let us know in which lesson we can find the image gallery block. If you can also attach the four original image files to the case form, that would be helpful!