Forum Discussion
Rise 360 - imsmanifest file includes headers throwing a 404 error
Ok, getting my head around this...
The address in the imsmafest.xml redirects to
And the address in the imsmafest.xml redirects to
So that makes sense...
But the last one, redirects to a 404 page not found message. So presumably the scorm package doesn't get to load the adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd file - aka the SCORM Content Aggregation Schema - because the above address is wrong. What impact does this have on the scorm package? Could this result in the LMS (Moodle) not being able to load the scorm package correctly - resulting in a blank white screen being displayed when a user opens the scorm activity?
Hi there, Luis. The .xsd references in the manifest refer to file types that historically enabled additional features for SCORM output. Because we aren't using those features for Rise 360 output, we don't use these files at all. You shouldn't see an issue solely because those files are included in the manifest.
I see my team is working with Natalie on the Moodle issue. Currently, we're looking at tidying up the overall manifest and SCORM output to reduce package size, so this is a really timely question!