Forum Discussion

CorriCampbell-f's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Rise 360: Organizing Courses in Alpha Order in Folders

Hello! Based on the Rise 360: Use Your Dashboard to Manage Content user guide instructions (updated within the last two months), we've organized all of our courses into folders (within the Private and Team sections). Managing 60+ courses was becoming a bit unruly, so it's been great to have these new organizing features within Rise to "bucket" our courses into manageable categories (our folder system is Active Development, Archived, and Live in LMS). 

There is one small, but important detail we're struggling with in each of the course folders. We cannot seem to organize the courses alphabetically (or any form or fashion). 

Is there a secret to this that I'm missing? If so, I would love for someone to point this out to me! If not, is this a feature we can include sooner than later? 

Thank you!

Corri Campbell

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