Forum Discussion
Rise course published to SCORM not retaining completion
Hi Articulate Community
I am the administrator of our organisation's LMS and also create/publish courses using Articulate. Big fan! 🙂
One of my colleagues created a course in Rise and published it in SCORM 1.2 format. I uploaded the file to our LMS late last year. While a large number of staff have completed the course, I have received complaints from some staff who have advised that they had completed the course but completion was not retained.
I believe that most staff would have completed the course in one sitting and this may be a reason why this issue is only happening for some staff.
The course is made up of 15 lessons with each lesson having a locked continue block requiring completion of the all blocks above. The course author advised me that when publishing, the tracking was set to track using course completion of 100%.
Staff have reported completing the course/or the majority of the course and exiting, but when they go back in, the course has only recorded partial completion. In some cases, only 30-40%.
I am confused as to how the course allows them to work through each lesson and they are able to get to the lessons at/towards the end of the course, when there is a continue block requiring completion before they are able to move on to the next lesson.
When I have logged in to our LMS as the staff member experiencing this issue, I can see in the progress bar on the left that some lessons are complete (marked with a full circle), some are partially completed (partial circle) and some are incomplete (no circle).
I have reached out to our LMS provider who has suggested I check with Articulate about "regarding the progress whether it recorded in every single section or there are only few sections/checkpoints where progress saved/retained."
I'd appreciate any advice that others may be able to offer about this issue.
Many thanks
- KirstyFoxwellCommunity Member
I should add that I have not previously experienced this issue with Rise courses that I have published and I am wondering whether the locked continue blocks are interfering with retaining completion for some reason.
Hi KirstyFoxwell!
I understand some of your learners are having trouble with completion status, for a Rise course uploaded to LMS!
I see that you've already connected with my colleague Darwin, through a support case. Smart move! It looks like Darwin replied to your e-mail sharing insight into your request.
We can continue the conversation there to keep all information in one spot.
- CustomerTrai016Community Member
Hi StevenBenassi We are having the same issue with a few of our courses, would it be possible to share the results from Darwin here to avoid creating a ticket as well? Much appreciated.
- KellyAunerStaff
Hi CustomerTrai016,
I'm happy to help out!
Darwin suggested using SCORM 2004 3rd or 4th edition, as both have higher character limits (64,000). You can read more about this here. If changing the SCORM standard doesn't fix the issue, you can check the solutions in this article on troubleshooting LMS issues.
Please let us know if you need further assistance!