Forum Discussion

RosMcNamee-4c99's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise Details section Font broken

Hi community/devs,


I've noticed that any new course I make in Rise, the Details section defaults its font back to a Serif font like Times New Roman or something. No matter what font I use, if I view the course on iOS the Details section switches font. This is only happening to new courses, so any course I update from now it will happen. This is a major bug and we need a fix implemented ASAP. 

I've shared a Review link here of this issue:


  • Hey everyone! I'm happy to let you know that we've fixed the issue where the wrong font was showing on your mobile devices. Please export your courses again to take advantage of the fix.

  • I've submitted a case report and the devs are looking into it. If any community members are noticing this, please comment for visibility. 

  • KarinaGomez's avatar
    Community Member

    And talking about the responsive screens and sizes, I also seem to have this issue: 
    the "Click to flip" over the flip cards instruction appears in desktop size,

    but in mobile size does not appear. 

    So switching sizes is definitely causing problems. Even with some texts. Please help!

  • Is there an update on when this will be fixed? It's still unresolved as of this writing.

    • RosMcNamee-4c99's avatar
      Community Member
      Polifinity Learning

      Is there an update on when this will be fixed? It's still unresolved as of this writing.

      There is no word from the support ticket I made. I just pinged them now in the ticket and so I'll respond here when I get a response from them.

  • I want to emphasize to the community and the devs, this issue was caused by an update last month. After the update this issue was present. It's a simple font bug that is caused by the screen being resized to a smaller breakpoint.

    To the devs: To fix this issue, take a look at the screen size breakpoint where the font switches. You're using a "font:inhert;" call to the body but after the breakpoint, it's restoring a default "Times New Roman" font instead of continuing its inheritance from the body font.

    I've done my best here to at least point the devs in the right direction and if there are any coding whizzes in this community, maybe you can identify a solution for the dev team.

  • This fix can also work with custom fonts. Tested it on a custom Helvetica font we use. Just make sure you're calling the font the same as named in the font list. Would be interested to see if there are any issues with other custom fonts.

  • I couldn't get this to work. changed Merriweather to Lato as instructed, but the font stayed the same.

  • Hey everyone! I'm happy to let you know that we've fixed the issue where the wrong font was showing on your mobile devices. Please export your courses again to take advantage of the fix.