Forum Discussion
Rise not completing & progress not recorded for 5% of learners
I have experienced exactly the same thing: for a very small number of users, Rise does not record their progress data or completion status.
While they are in a training session, Rise indicates what they have completed with the check marks and the completion percentage changes. However, when they exit the course and LMS in the correct manner, none of their data is saved.
Each time they access their course after a previous training session, it is a fresh course showing no previous completion data.
There is no commonality at all between any of these users as they are in different locations/cities and use different devices, operating systems, have good internet connections, etc.
When I log in as them everything works normally.
These problems are also not related to updating courses that were in progress.
Some learners are very irate when they complete a course several times and no progress data is recorded. What makes things worse that our training is required for government certification purposes.