Reach 360- Questions
I am currently looking into using Reach 360 as our LMS. But looking to find a few answers.
We have specific teams that hire temp employees quarterly. With the basic Reach 360, I see 300 learners are included am I able to remove my temp employees and replace with full time employees as they are hired or is the 300 learners mean once that learner is in the system they take the learner role even if they are gone?
Any way to set up a feedback or evaluation in Reach? My though is, I would use Storyline to build out the questions with survey response and publish to Reach360, I see it would show completion and quiz percent but for freeform answers how would I be able to see that data via reach analysis, if possible. If not any other possible solutions?
Is it possible to move a learner from one 'Group' to another if they get promoted or switch departments?
Is there a limit to the amount of content I upload? Or a limit to the amount of content I update. I may be uploading upwards of 70+ courses, 10 of which I would update and reupload bi-annually.
Since there is no Reach 360 in the 'Post in' section I chose building better course. so thank you in advance anyone who found this despite the wrong category and can help me out.