Forum Discussion

ShelleySkrab424's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Rise or Storyline 360: Using Learner added content for results slide

Hi All;  I am trying to figure out whether or not this is doable and if yes, how.

Our LMS system doesn't allow connection to external content or results.  We were thinking of having learners enter their external course results into a Rise or Storyline course on our system and also  upload a photo(screenshot) of their results & completion.

I was thinking using a using a variable field where users input their mark which would transfer over to the results slide and submit that mark. But don't really know if that would work.  Also if they could add a picture, but I'm not sure if that would be accessible to LMS admin after submission.

If the photo part is just an extra.  Would really like to be able to have them submit their results and receive a course completion on our system.  

If anyone has done something similar  I would love to know about it and if any issues.

Thanks all,


  • Hi Shelley,

    You mentioned your LMS not allowing for external content or results, but are you unable to host your Storyline or Rise courses within your LMS?

    Storyline and Rise both have question types where a learner could enter in text, and that text is captured and shared with the LMS as a part of the results but isn't displayed on the results screen. 

    You also mentioned looking for an option to upload an image or a screenshot into your course? Are you hoping that the image is then visible to learners in the course or shared with the LMS? You may need to look at using an external tool or site to accomplish this - something like an embedded Google form may work for your needs!

    Let us know what else you need and if you can share what LMS you're using, hopefully, others in the community can weigh in with ideas! 

  • Thanks you for the information.  I didn't think user input could be used for the results screen.

    Thank you for the suggestion of using Google forms, I will look into that.

    We are using SumTotal but corporately they are not allowing us to connect with external courses from other suppliers. I know the system has the capability but is not a feature enabled for us. I also know there is a feature within that system that allows for employees to upload their own course certificates but unfortunately we do not have the organizational structure in the system to make that feasible.