Forum Discussion

TashWagner-eae9's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Rise Quizzes

Hi There,

We would love to make some suggestions for improvements for future Rise updates.

- Functionality to create two assessments in Rise to allow for a pre-test before the content and assessment at the end....and that if people get the pre-test correct, they don't have to complete the content. We are currently doing this using storyline blocks which means we can't obtain data on what questions people are answering correctly/incorrectly in the reporting.

- Assessments that allow you to give correct/incorrect feedback for each question but not give the specific answer away so they can try again.


  • Hi Tash! Now you can make quizzes more challenging. Show learners feedback without revealing correct answers! Find out how in this article. Enjoy!

  • Thanks, Tash! We love hearing more about what features you'd like to see in Rise, so I passed both of those along to my team.

    I'll keep you posted here if either of those is added to Rise, and you can also follow along on our “What’s New” page and our Rise Version history

  • Hi Tash! Now you can make quizzes more challenging. Show learners feedback without revealing correct answers! Find out how in this article. Enjoy!