Forum Discussion

MalMacDowall's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Rise Suspend Data - How to read it to fault find?

Hello Brainstrust. We are working on troubleshooting a BIG Rise course. 

We have been running it as a Tin Can on the LMS. We have had issues with about 10% of users course completion recording in the LMS. The course takes approx 2.5hrs to complete.

I have the suspend data files from 2 users. Both users completed the entire course. 1 received successful completion recorded in the LMS, the 2nd did not (Eventhough we can see 100% completion of the course.) We have tried many methods of course completion from the unsuccessful suspend data to no avail. 

My question - I want to compare the 2 sets of Suspend data to see whats different or missing in the unsuccessful course user. I have both files as a text file. How do I compare Rise suspend data or is there a key to reading it?  

The successful course suspend data has 9259 characters, the unsuccessful suspend data has 9240 characters.

Thoughts ?