I feel your pain, Richard! 😵💫 We're currently piloting our first course built in Rise 360 (a two-week course including fifteen or so "courses" built in Rise 360) and we encountered similar issues with Rise 360 not saving our content and formatting changes.
Sometimes Rise would not save formatting changes like text alignment, or it would miss a minor edit like a trademark symbol or a rephrased sentence, and we learned to painstakingly verify that our changes were being saved, almost edit by edit.
But at its worst, our writer(s) lost largish swaths of text content edits, which added up to about two weeks of work. From that we learned to keep a text content master in Word and do all our text content revisions in Word--it seems a lot more stable, allows more robust tracking, and also allows more seamless collaboration.
For context: we're a team of 8 people, and we had 2-3 people collaborating on each Rise "course," using a variety of browsers. Most used Chrome or Edge, or both. We seemed to have the most issues with Rise not saving content in Firefox, although we had issues no matter the browser.
We appreciate the guidance to clear our caches and limit ourselves to one tab. 🙇♂️ But going forward we're using Word for text content. We're currently retrofitting our text content into Word docs by copying-and-pasting from Review 360 into Word, it's tedious and slow but it seems the most efficient of any method we tried (going from Rise > PDF > Word works but requires too much reformatting for our purposes).