Forum Discussion

TommyDavis's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Rise360 to Storyline360 Interactivity

I have created an extensive course in Rise360 and now want to sprinkle in Storyline interactive elements as time is available.  Is there a way to export Rise into Storyline?

Specifically, I want to create a launch pad (or menu) from which users can bounce around between already created Rise360 modules.  The objective would be an interactive menu that tracks that each section has been viewed and completed before moving on.  

Does Storyline allow for layers/triggers to Rise360 modules?

  • TommyDavis's avatar
    Community Member

    In Rise we can use the button stack to jump between modules, is there a way to duplicate this coding in Storyline?

  • Hi Tommy,

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    There isn't a way to add interaction between Storyline 360 and Rise 360 courses since these exist in two separate platforms. You can add hyperlinks to jump from one course to another if your courses are hosted on webservers. 

    If you have a Storyline 360 course and a Rise 360 course that are hosted on webservers, you can add a hyperlink in the Storyline 360 course that will redirect the learner to your Rise 360 course, and you can use a button stack to redirect the learner from Rise 360 back to Storyline 360.