Forum Discussion

JaneBarnes's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Save Articulate Storyline Data without an LMS

Hi!  We are building a Storyline course that will be delivered and accessed on a website.  Because we are not linking to an LMS, we don't have user data about who took the course.  Is there a way for us to ask the user to enter data in the course, and be able to save it externally to a spreadsheet or database?  We are trying to avoid sending the user out to an external form to record their information.  Thanks for any advice you have!

  • You can use the external form and display it as a web object within the Storyline project so that the user never leaves your course. Unfortunately, requiring that they complete the form might be difficult to achieve.

    Another option would be to create input fields in Storyline (making entry required) and use some JavaScript to send the Storyline variables to a google sheet or google form.

    It can be done, but it isn't the simplest of things to set up.  I believe there are some instructions somewhere here on the forum. I'll look for them later if/when I have a free moment.

    • JaneBarnes's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks so much, Owen! I appreciate your quick reply. Your idea of displaying the web object within Storyline might be what we need. The learners will be motivated to complete the form; it is their only way to certify that they took the (mandatory) course.


      Jane Barnes, APTD
      Senior Learning Design & Development Manager
      289 Great Road
      Suite 202
      Acton, MA 01720
      Phone: 978.206.5794
      Mobile: 617.650.5989


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