Forum Discussion

AvrilClark's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Scenario block using dialogue option - continue button missing

I have added a scenario block to my Rise 360 course and when I change the option from Text to Dialogue boxes, I do not have the continue button display. Is there a way to fix this?

  • AvrilClark's avatar
    Community Member

    I have added dialogue but I do not want to add a response or a decision point. Is there a way for the continue button to display?


  • Hi S T,

    Thanks for reaching out! Avril was discussing with another community member regarding her concern, but the reply has been deleted for some reason. We'd be happy to help troubleshoot any issues you may have. Is it similar to what Avril reported?

    Please provide details of what you're seeing on your end so we can look into it.

  • AvrilClark's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi S T

    I worked out in the end that the first screen can never be a dialogue box it must be a Text box. But every screen after that can be made either dialogue or text. 

    So as long as you don't make the first screen a dialogue box, all other dialogue screens the continue button appeared and I had the option to remove the response options. 

    Cheers Avril

  • I'm not sure what the issue was. I created a scenario with 2 'questions'. I then deleted the feedbacks and added two other questions. the new questions wouldn't show, the scenario just ended.

    i just re-did it again from the start (insert scenario block, etc.). works now.