Forum Discussion
SCORM 1.2 Suspend Data--Seems Wonky to My Pea Brain
Hi, I've been getting with the line
"strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=cmi.core.suspend_data may not be greater than 4096 characters, your value is 9565 characters"
in the debugging file due to exceeding the number of characters imposed in the SCORM1.2 which is the only standard I can use in my LMS. This error is causing that bookmarking is not working so users sometimes have to retry again slides they already visited. Also some users are getting sometimes disconnection issues messages saying "Error- unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded."
And finally yesterday I found this thread and put in practice some of the strategies that are discussed here and yay!!!! I fixed it.
What I did was this:
1.- I changed the name of the objects, elements, text boxes to smaller names. Instead "Text_Box_#" I am now using "T#". Same for Markers now are M1 or M2, etc. I just simplified all the names.
2.- Deleted the unused variables.
3.- Reset as many slides as I could to "reset to initial state".
4.- I have a quiz bank of 48 questions where I randomly draw 10 questions. I changed titles of the questions to images to reduce text as much as possible. In every question I had text with the instructions such as "you have 2 attempts" I changed those titles for images with the text that I did from a print-screen before deleting the text. I think this is not necessary but I did it anyway.
5.- Put the SCORM in SCORM Cloud activating first the debug mode. I did the training and then when I checked the debug file I don't have the error line anymore....yay!!!!