Forum Discussion

CraigGraham-a71's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Screen Capture View it Mode Captions converted to Try It mode Hint Layer


I have created a screen recording and generated a View It Mode (step by step) Scene using Salesforce application. For all of the captions, the recording did not populate any captions with anything more than the action that was performed "Click" (see attached example). This requires me to manually update each object (e.g., "Click the Event Materials tab" see attached example) on every slide. Is there something I can do to get the objects recognized? 

If not, is there a way to convert the newly updated captions to the hint layer in the Try It Mode?

Thank you for your attention to this in a timely manner.


  • Hi Craig, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The hint caption generated from a screen recordings might be dependent on the type of application being recorded. In the screenshot below, I made a screen recording of myself performing basic actions on a browser and it generated detailed hint captions.

    I understand that you were trying to record events on Salesforce, but I'm not sure if this web app has security restrictions that could prevent captions from generating more details. I opened a support case on your behalf so we can have our support team confirm this for you. 

    Regarding your second inquiry, updating the text in the text box updates the captions for the entire Hint Caption layer. Can I ask for you to clarify what you meant by converting the captions in the hint layer to see if I understood your question correctly?