Forum Discussion

MichaelWest's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Screen Simulations: Is it normal for file sizes to exceed 200 MB?

I have a 65-slide screen simulation. The first half is a hands-on walk-through which uses captions that prompts the learner to click on hot spots, thus advancing to the next slide.

The 2nd half is a duplicate of the first half, only now it's a knowledge check.

The final size of the file is an unwieldy 200 MB. I've deleted unused screen recordings, but it's still 183 MB. Is that normal? What else can I do to reduce the size of the file? The file is quite unstable and crashes frequently.

  • Hi Michael!

    Happy to help with this!

    Storyline keeps deleted assets temporarily after they've been deleted in case the author needs to restore them. However, your project file will eventually shrink, usually after saving it a couple of times. You can also prompt it to shrink right away by saving and closing the project file, then re-opening it and saving it again.

    If you're comfortable sharing your .story file, I'd be happy to take a closer look to see if certain elements are causing the instability and crashes. Feel free to attach it here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

  • MichaelWest's avatar
    Community Member

    Bingo! That did it. Had a file that went from 16 MB down to 3.9 MB. Thanks, Steven.

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Michael!

      You're welcome! So glad to hear that did the trick!

      If you run into any setbacks moving forward, please let us know.